Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Playing God?

A familiar kind of moral objection to euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, abortion, cloning, stem cell research, and the like, is that they involve "playing God." What exactly does it mean to play God? Why is it playing God when we help someone die by giving them a lethal injection but not when we help someone live by giving them radiation or chemotherapy--or even an organ transplant? Is playing God always wrong, or only sometimes wrong? And why do we think playing God is wrong? After all, in many contexts, we think of it as a good thing to be like God--for we are made in the image of God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First I don't think we are PLAYING GOD, and Saving people are not PLAYING GOD.
I do think cloning is wrong and inappropriate; however, organ transplant is not same with cloning. I don't know what the purpose of cloning, but organ transplant is definatly doe helping people. that is nothing wrong.

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand why the first set of issues are easily seen as "playing God" because many of them deal with the loss of human life. Murder-or helping to end another person's life- is a sin that God directly addressed as wrong. It is up to God to decide when each of our times on earth are up, not us. On that same note some might argue then that what I just said about "playing God" applies to organ transplants and treatments like chemotherapy because their aim is to prolong life and that shouldn't be for us to decide either. But I think that God oftentimes uses us as a means to answer prayer...prayers, for example, that ask for healing. In that view we aren't playing God, just being instruments of healing on earth. As for the question, "why do we think playing God is wrong," I'm not really sure I agree very much with the term "playing God" in the situation where we help decide when someone dies because God is the giver of life, not death...we were created in his perfect image--before death entered the picture, so I guess that would be another point to argue as well.

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think playing God means that you try to decide someone else’s fate for them. I think people say someone is playing God when it comes to death and not life is that death is final; the person involved no longer exists to make another decision. I think that people think it’s wrong because many times the actual person doesn’t get a say so on if they want to die or not, it’s usually left up to another person to decide for them.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If 'playing God' is simply deciding when people live or die, we already play God any time we administer medicine

12:35 PM  
Blogger golfjesus112 said...

First lets start off with that GOD is the almighty ruler, he is the one ,the only GOD. But is this statement really true, whats wrong with humans also playing GOD and rising to the level of the almighty, maybe we have to, maybe we NEED to.

Lets go tot he beginning of time were it all started the Big Bang. God first starts out with making this happen, and bring everything to caos. This one event will led up to right? Maybe not, maybe GOD creates another human race that we see as aliens but really they are just extremely old ancestors.

GOD starts off with making the galaxies and the solar systems and everything that will make the world go round. He makes the organisms that will eventually lead up to us but first makes it so it slowly gets better and better with what we call Evolution. Some say there is no such thing, but GOD is the one who made it and it is the thing that created the Human race. But as I said before maybe this Human race wasn’t us at first maybe it was another race one way way way before us, the FIRST one, the one that became us. GOD creates the history and what will led us to the future, but he may just do so much and then let us take over so called ‘Playing GOD’. This is what he did for the first ones. He created the first and everything else and made it so the first leave the planet and go on to other solar systems, galaxies, and universes and leaving behind there people who die and leave behind organisms that will restart the whole cycle but of course GOD is making this happen, he is making the future and what will happen next. The whole cycle starts again and now its GODs chance to have some fun with the evolutionary cycle and make everything work that will led up to us.

Now we will get into us actually playing GOD maybe we have to to be able to move on and if we don’t GOD will kind of force us to. Maybe this explaines all the pandemics and disease like cancer and AIDS , Maybe this is GOD telling us its time to start being me and ‘Playing GOD’. This playing GOD will start the cycle of life so that we can become that race that finally leaves the planet of over population and go on the journey of leaving organisms around different galaxies and planets so that they can restart and the Human race will never end.

So all of those so called Aliens that when ever we look up at the sky we see maybe those Aliens are actually our extremely old ancestors that roamed on this planet once and started us, but the almighty GOD is the one that made all of this happen, its not the cycle of LIfe it called the CYCLE OF HUMANITY.

6:28 PM  

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