Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Another blog!?

I've created this blog primarily as a way of communicating with the students in my ethics classes at Northwestern College in Iowa. But anyone else is free to hang around here, too, of course. Think of this blog as a kind of virtual space for office hours, where you can ask a question or lodge a complaint or whatever. And you can talk to the other folks in the office as well.

For those in my classes, let me point out here that there are two places for online discussion: this blog and the Synapse (our Course Management System) Forum. Is this overkill? Maybe. But my idea is that the Synapse Forum is meant to be a "safe" place where ONLY students in the class can talk. I won't participate there (although I'll browse occasionally) and other folks can't get to it. Also, the Synapse Forum is a temporary home for discussion, while this site will be an ongoing one. But on this blog, obviously, I'll be part of the conversation. And should you wish to, you can visit here even long after the class is over!

Nuts and bolts: I'll post various things, some generated by our class discussions and others just out of my own head. You'll respond. While you can't post, mainly for logistical reasons, you are encouraged to e-mail me anything you'd like to see addressed in a post. Or ask me to discuss something that's going on in the Synapse Forum, if you'd like.

Let me know if there's some way to make this work better.


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